Thursday 2 April 2020

Week 10 - 13: Changes and Shaders

It has been quite a while since I have last posted here, and a lot has happend, good and not so good.
Anyways, the current circumstances prohibit us from woring in uni labs at the moment, so we have to come up with alternative solutions, which we are currently working on.
Unfortunately I lost a little over a week, because I had to move out of my flat in Leicester and go back to Germany.

1 - Setting up GitHub

Since we can't use Perforce anymore, we set up the Unreal File in GitHub which let us continue to both contribute to the file. However, and there might be a solution to this, I just have not found it, the repository is stored on GitHub and we work on local clones of that repository. (Since we are also not in the same network we can't set up a network drive to work from the same file, which would eliminate that problem. ) That means that we can make changes to the same files at the same time which leads to conflicts when trying to push those changes to the repository. With those conflicts we then have to decide which file gets priority and the other changes are lost.

We are currently trying to migrate over to Perforce since we have used it in the past, but setting up the server, open ports, etc. might take a while.

2 - Shader Work

In terms of shader work I created a few Master Materials, but we will definitely need a few more.
The first one is a World Aligned Material and I made some minor changes to Unreals built in WorldAlignedTexture Material Function, mainly adding an Offset and Rotation Input.


The other ones are for assets with unique textures, opaque and translucent, and deferred decals. They are pretty similar, ony the M_MASTER_Opaque_Translucent has AO and Parallax Occlusion added.



I also made a very simple Glass Shader, but it will be updated.

Something a bit more fun I worked on is a procedural Rain Shader, but I will leave that to a separate Blogpost since I will have to elaborate a bit on the math behind it. It also needs quite a bit of cleaning up and improvements, but I'll still add a few screenshots here.

just a small test

MF_Rain Work in Progress

EDIT: I will update this blogpost bit by bit.

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