int points[] = primpoints(geoself(), 0); |
int numPtFloor = len(points); |
int numPt = @numpt; |
int numRows = numPt / numPtFloor; |
//modular kit piece arrays |
//pillars |
string pillars = chs('../kit_storage/mfloor_kit_pillar'); |
string pillarArray[] = split(pillars); |
int pillarIndex = int(chi('../../mfloor_pillar_index')%len(pillarArray)); |
string pillarRef = '../../'+ pillarArray[pillarIndex]; |
int numPillars = chi('../../num_pillars'); |
float pillarWidth = getbbox_size(chs('../../' + pillarArray[0] + '/' + pillarArray[0] + '/file' ))[0]; |
//plain wall |
string wall = chs('../kit_storage/mfloor_kit_wall'); |
string wallRef = '../../'+ wall; |
float wallWidth = getbbox_size(chs('../../' + wall + '/' + wall + '/file' ))[0]; |
//wall pieces |
string wallPieces = chs('../kit_storage/mfloor_kit_ww'); |
string wallPieceArray[] = split(wallPieces); |
int pieceIndex = chi('../../mfloor_wframe_index') % len(wallPieceArray); |
string piece = wallPieceArray[pieceIndex]; |
string pieceRef = '../../'+ piece; |
int numWallPieces = chi('../../num_pieces_btwn_pillars'); |
//windows |
string windows = chs('../kit_storage/mfloor_kit_window'); |
string windowArray[] = split(windows); |
string windowsRd[], windowsSq[]; |
//sort windows |
for(int w = 0; w < len(windowArray); w++){ |
if ( match('*rd*', tolower(windowArray[w])) == 1){ |
append(windowsRd, windowArray[w]); |
} |
else if ( match('*sq*', tolower(windowArray[w])) == 1){ |
append(windowsSq, windowArray[w]); |
} |
} |
// floor separation |
string fSep = chs('../kit_storage/fsep_kit_wall'); |
string fSepPillar = chs('../kit_storage/fsep_kit_pillar'); |
string fSepArray[] = split(fSep); |
string fSepPillarArray[] = split(fSepPillar); |
string fSepRef = '../../' + fSepArray[0]; |
string fSepPillarRef = '../../' + fSepPillarArray[0]; |
// roof separation |
string rSep = chs('../kit_storage/rsep_kit_wall'); |
string rSepArray[] = split(rSep); |
int rSepIndex = chi('../../rsep_index') % len(rSepArray); |
string rSepRef = '../../' + rSepArray[rSepIndex]; |
//Function for adding windows to the Window Frames |
void addWindows (string wRd[]; string wSq[]; string wPiece; vector wNormal; vector wPos) { |
int wIndex = chi('../../mfloor_window_index') % len(wRd); |
int wPt; |
string wRef; |
if (match('*rd*', tolower(wPiece))) { |
wRef = '../../' + wRd[wIndex]; |
wPt = addpoint(geoself(), wPos); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'instance', wPt, wRef, 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'scale', wPt, set(1,1,1), 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'N', wPt, wNormal, 'set'); |
} |
else if (match('*sq*', tolower(wPiece))){ |
wRef = '../../' + wSq[wIndex]; |
wPt = addpoint(geoself(), wPos); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'instance', wPt, wRef, 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'scale', wPt, set(1,1,1), 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'N', wPt, wNormal, 'set'); |
} |
} |
int numFloors = chi('../../numFloors'); |
if (numFloors > 0) { |
for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++) { //loop through wall and separation rows |
//get points belonging to each row |
int rowPoints[] = {}; |
int start = r * numPtFloor; |
for ( int c = 0; c < numPtFloor; c++ ) { |
append(rowPoints, start + c); |
} |
append(rowPoints, start); |
string rowType = pointattrib(geoself(), 'row_type', rowPoints[0], 1); |
//place wall tiles |
for (int c = 0; c < len(rowPoints)-1; c++) { //loop through corner points |
//PREP |
// start and end point position |
vector startPointPos = pointattrib(geoself(), 'P', rowPoints[c], 1); |
vector endPointPos = pointattrib(geoself(), 'P', rowPoints[c + 1], 1); |
vector dir = normalize(endPointPos - startPointPos); |
// start and end position, taking corner piece width into consideration |
vector startPos = startPointPos + (pointattrib(geoself(), 'piece_x_size', rowPoints[c], 1)*dir); |
vector endPos = endPointPos - (pointattrib(geoself(), 'piece_x_size', rowPoints[c + 1], 1)*dir); |
//normal for placing the pieces on the edges |
vector n = set(dir[2], 0, dir[0] * -1); |
float dist = distance(startPos, endPos); |
//only place tiles, if corner pieces don't overlap |
if ( (pointattrib(geoself(), 'piece_x_size', rowPoints[c], 1) + pointattrib(geoself(), 'piece_x_size', rowPoints[c + 1], 1)) < distance(startPointPos, endPointPos) ) { |
float sectionWidth = (numWallPieces * wallWidth) * clamp(numPillars - 1, 0, 10) + numPillars * pillarWidth; |
sectionWidth *= int(sectionWidth < dist); |
int numSections; |
numSections = int((sectionWidth != 0)); |
numWallPieces *= int(numPillars > 1); |
//num tiles on each side of pillar section |
float restWidth = dist - sectionWidth; |
int numPieces; |
if (sectionWidth != 0) { |
numPieces = int(floor((restWidth/2)/wallWidth)); |
numPieces -= (numPieces % 2) * (1 - int(sectionWidth < dist)); |
} |
else { |
numPieces = int(floor(restWidth / wallWidth)); |
} |
//filler |
float fillerWidth; |
if (sectionWidth != 0) { |
fillerWidth = (restWidth - ((numPieces * 2) * wallWidth))/2; |
} |
else { |
fillerWidth = (restWidth - ((numPieces) * wallWidth))/2; |
} |
float fillerScaleX = fillerWidth / wallWidth; |
//place filler pieces |
vector tempPos; |
vector tempStartPos; |
vector tempEndPos; |
vector pillarStartPos; |
int tempPt; |
if (fillerWidth != 0) { |
string fillerRef = wallRef; |
if (rowType == 'floor_wall'){ |
fillerRef = wallRef; |
} |
else if (rowType == 'floor_sep'){ |
fillerRef = fSepRef; |
} |
else if (rowType == 'roof_sep'){ |
fillerRef = rSepRef; |
} |
if(dist > wallWidth) { |
tempPos = startPos + ((fillerWidth/2) * dir); |
//Start Filler |
tempPt = addpoint(geoself(), tempPos); |
tempStartPos = tempPos; |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'instance', tempPt, fillerRef, 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'scale', tempPt, set(fillerScaleX,1,1), 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'N', tempPt, n, 'set'); |
//End Pos |
tempPt = addpoint(geoself(), endPos - ((fillerWidth/2) * dir)); |
tempEndPos = endPos - ((fillerWidth/2) * dir); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'instance', tempPt, fillerRef, 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'scale', tempPt, set(fillerScaleX,1,1), 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'N', tempPt, n, 'set'); |
} |
else { |
tempPos = startPos + (fillerWidth * dir); |
tempPos = startPos + (fillerWidth * dir); |
tempPt = addpoint(geoself(), tempPos); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'instance', tempPt, fillerRef, 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'scale', tempPt, set(fillerScaleX * 2,1,1), 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'N', tempPt, n, 'set'); |
} |
} |
//place outside wall tiles |
if (numPieces != 0){ |
string spareRef = pieceRef; |
if (rowType == 'floor_wall'){ |
spareRef = pieceRef; |
} |
else if (rowType == 'floor_sep'){ |
spareRef = fSepRef; |
} |
else if (rowType == 'roof_sep'){ |
spareRef = rSepRef; |
} |
if(sectionWidth != 0){ |
for (int p = 0; p < numPieces; p++){ |
//place a tile both at the start and end of the wall |
tempPos = tempStartPos + (wallWidth * dir)/2 + (wallWidth * dir) * p + (fillerWidth * dir)/2; |
tempPt = addpoint(geoself(), tempPos); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'instance', tempPt, spareRef, 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'scale', tempPt, set(1,1,1), 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'N', tempPt, n, 'set'); |
if (p == numPieces - 1) { |
pillarStartPos = tempPos; |
} |
if ( rowType == 'floor_wall') { |
addWindows(windowsRd, windowsSq, piece, n, tempPos); |
} |
tempPos = tempEndPos - (wallWidth * dir)/2 - (wallWidth * dir) * p - (fillerWidth * dir)/2; |
tempPt = addpoint(geoself(), tempPos); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'instance', tempPt, spareRef, 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'scale', tempPt, set(1,1,1), 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'N', tempPt, n, 'set'); |
if ( rowType == 'floor_wall') { |
addWindows(windowsRd, windowsSq, piece, n, tempPos); |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
for (int p = 0; p < numPieces; p++) { |
tempPos = tempStartPos + (wallWidth * dir)/2 + (wallWidth * dir) * p + (fillerWidth * dir)/2; |
tempPt = addpoint(geoself(), tempPos); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'instance', tempPt, spareRef, 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'scale', tempPt, set(1,1,1), 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'N', tempPt, n, 'set'); |
if ( rowType == 'floor_wall') { |
addWindows(windowsRd, windowsSq, piece, n, tempPos); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
//if no wall tiles get placed |
else { |
pillarStartPos = tempPos + (fillerWidth * dir)/2; |
} |
//place pillar sections |
if(numSections != 0){ |
string wpRef = pieceRef; |
string pRef = pillarRef; |
float xScale = 1; |
if (rowType == 'floor_wall'){ |
wpRef = pieceRef; |
pRef = pillarRef; |
xScale = 1; |
} |
else if (rowType == 'floor_sep'){ |
wpRef = fSepRef; |
pRef = fSepPillarRef; |
xScale = 1; |
} |
else if (rowType == 'roof_sep'){ |
wpRef = rSepRef; |
pRef = rSepRef; |
xScale = pillarWidth / wallWidth; |
} |
printf('Pillar Start Pos: %e \n', pillarStartPos); |
printf('NumPieces: %g \n', numPieces); |
for (int pl = 0; pl < numPillars; pl++){ |
vector pillarPos; |
if(numPieces != 0){ |
pillarPos = (pillarStartPos + (wallWidth * dir)/2 + (pillarWidth * dir)/2 + (pillarWidth * dir) * pl) + ((numWallPieces * wallWidth)*dir)*pl; |
} |
else { |
pillarPos = (pillarStartPos + (pillarWidth * dir)/2 + (pillarWidth * dir) * pl) + ((numWallPieces * wallWidth)*dir)*pl; |
} |
tempPt = addpoint(geoself(), pillarPos); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'instance', tempPt, pRef, 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'scale', tempPt, set(xScale,1,1), 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'N', tempPt, n, 'set'); |
for (int sWall = 0; sWall < numWallPieces; sWall++){ |
if(pl < numPillars - 1){ |
vector wallPos = pillarPos + (pillarWidth * dir)/2 + (wallWidth * dir)/2 + (wallWidth * dir) * sWall; |
tempPt = addpoint(geoself(), wallPos); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'instance', tempPt, wpRef, 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'scale', tempPt, set(1,1,1), 'set'); |
setpointattrib(geoself(), 'N', tempPt, n, 'set'); |
if (rowType == 'floor_wall') { |
addWindows(windowsRd, windowsSq, piece, n, wallPos); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} //end if |
} // end for c |
} // end for r |
} |