Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Week 9 - Small Updates

Now that we were finally able to put the Building Generator into Unreal, Litha had a go at using it, but we soon found out, that using and positioning the curve points is rather fiddly in Unreal, so we needed to come up with an alternative.

1 - Override Building Footprint
Since creating the building footprints is far easier in Houdini, I added the option to override the curve and input coordinates for the points instead. So now it is possible to copy the curve coordinates from Houdini to Unreal, without having to touch the curve.

We also decided to get rid of the Middle Floor Curve, since it just added to the confusion and Unreal was selecting multiple points, possibly because of point numbers being the same.

Building Generator Instance Network

2 - Removing Walls
Something that has been on my list for quite some time now is removing walls. I added a multiparm for that and updated the attribute wrangle nodes where necessary. 

Removable Walls
It is now possible to remove walls separately for the ground and middle floors.

We will make further changes to the tool, if necessary.